
The Indonesian province of Bali is found west of the island of Lombok in the Lesser Sunda Islands. It is Indonesia’s only province where Hindus make up the majority. It goes without saying that Bali brings in a lot of money, accounting for 80% of the Indonesian GDP and being named the World’s Top Destination by TripAdvisor in 2017. Balinese music, dance, leather, and sculptures are popular because they are rich in culture and art. If you’re thinking about visiting Bali, be sure to have this list of things to avoid doing nearby.

Avoid visiting temples while wearing revealing clothing.

This holds true for both men and women. You should be aware that it is best to wear proper clothing when visiting a mosque or other religious building, such as a temple. Wearing a sarong, a type of long attire that covers your complete body including your feet, is recommended. When entering a temple, it would also be advisable to leave your shorts at home. It is advised that women cover their heads when entering a mosque.

Avoid giving or accepting anything with your left hand.

In Bali, the left hand is seen as an unclean bodily part. Therefore, the majority of the time while doing something essential, like giving or gifting someone something, pointing, eating, and so forth, the locals utilize their right hand. When in Bali, it is advisable to carry out the aforementioned tasks using your right hand.

Never touch anyone’s head.

In Bali, avoid touching people’s heads. Even avoid pointing towards their heads. In Balinese culture, the head is revered as a sacred body part. Always be mindful of another person’s head. Avoid having your arms go over someone’s head when you need to pass something to them.

Never point your toes at a statue or other representation of Buddha.

Never touch anybody with your feet or point them in their direction. If you accidentally do this, don’t forget to say you’re sorry because it’s thought to be very impolite. Additionally, never sit in a temple with your feet pointing towards a god’s shrine since you can anger the locals who view this as a form of ridicule or disrespect.

Overstaying your visa or obtaining the incorrect one.

One of the biggest headaches for visitors to Bali is obtaining visas. If you’re just stopping by for a few days as part of an experience in Southeast Asia, it won’t be a problem. Then, a lot of nations can obtain a visa upon arrival, which is rather simple to obtain in the airport and costs only about $35.

The border patrol in Bali does not tolerate visa overstays. People, just don’t do it. After 60 days, there are potential fines of nearly a million IDR per day that you overstay, and anyone found in violation will be summoned to court and may even be sentenced to jail time.

Your visit to the renowned land should not depart from the idyllic Instagram feeds, for whatever reason. However, there are several things in Bali to keep away from, such as using a scooter without the appropriate authorization and avoiding the street vendors selling smoking Hindu offerings. Forgetting some of these will only come off as lacking in cultural sensitivity or incompetent, while forgetting others might be your one-way ticket to a protracted sentence in an Indonesian prison.

GSK Travels offers a variety of Bali packages that are available to both domestic and foreign tourists. You can visit amazing places and have an unforgettable experience with the aid of our honeymoon and family packages. Hence, GSK Travels is without a doubt the ideal option if you’re looking for a travel agency in Himachal Pradesh and Dharamshala.